Katedra Metodologii Badań i Studiów nad Dyskursem
Nowa monografia prof. Heleny Ostrowickiej pt.

Nowa monografia prof. Heleny Ostrowickiej pt. "Regulating Social Life..."

Z radością informujemy, że prof. Helena Ostrowicka opublikowała monografię "Regulating Social Life: Discourses on the Youth and the Dispositif of Age" w prestiżowej serii wydawniczej Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse wydawnictwa Palgrave Macmillan. O książce tej Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist (Department Head at the Georg Eckert Institute of International Textbook Studies, Braunschweig, Professor of Media Research at the University of Goettingen) napisała:
"This theoretically sophisticated work opens up intriguing ways of analysing discourse. Especially the ‘3-C discourse’ on youth shows how policy brings young people into being as particular kinds of subject. This concept – and many others in the book – will be eminently useful to scholars in discourse studies and related fields."
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